Probleme avec la pedal du gr-55

In Besoin d'aide ? | Posted 11 years ago
bonjour j'ai un problème avec le réglage de la pédale, lorsque la pédale est enclencher j'ai le son des patch normal mais quand je la relève je suis censé avoir le son des micro de ma guitare mais au lieu de sa j'ai plus rien du tout comment faire ?
camelman Posted 11 years ago
en fait sur cette pédale, il y a deux façon d'entendre les pickups "normaux" de ta guitare: soit tu fais la manip sur chaque patch, soit tu le fais pour tous tes patches.
Cas nr 1: (il s'agit d'une citation en anglais)
Hearing Your Normal (Guitar) Pickup Signal
If you want to hear your guitar's original pickup sound in the GR-55, you need to activate the NORMAL PICKUP switch within each patch. Here's how.
1. Choose a patch to edit.
2. Press the EDIT button.
3. Press PAGE left until you select the TONE menu.
4. Press the down-cursor button to select NORMAL PICKUP.
5. Turn the dial to highlight the NORMAL PICKUP box.
6. Set the GK select switch to the MIX position.
Note: If you want to hear only the guitar sound, de-select the PCM1, PCM2, and Model boxes as well.
If desired, press WRITE to save the new setting as a User patch, and then repeat the process for any patch in which you want to hear the original pickup sound.

Cas nr 2: pour valider sur tous les patches:
Enable the GK-3 three-way "Guitar/Mix/GK(Synth) switch to work.
Make GK-3 "Guitar" Switch position work with GR-55
It didn't turn out to be that simple, if you want the three way switch to work:
1) Go to System
PEDAL/GK CTL (enter)
Tab over to VOL
If you want to be able to hear the normal guitar when your switch is in the "GUITAR" position, change GK VOL to "TONE VOLUME", and turn NORMAL PU "OFF". With the switch in MIX, you'll hear both the GK knob output, and your normal guitar output, with independent control for each. In GK position, you'll just hear COSM/PCM sounds, and in GUITAR, just the normal guitar.
The other advantage to "TONE VOLUME" is it lets the guitar models be much more responsive and expressive.
The GK settings can also be changed per patch, but this is based on the factory settings. I'm used to having my VG set up this way, so this setting may stay global for me.
Most folks will want to reprogram every GR-55 Patch with all the above settings, to ensure the GK-3 three way switch works on every patch used live.
None of the factory patches allow Normal Guitar, unless otherwise stated.

Voilà enfin un petit lien sur tutube qui explique comment s'y prendre:
Tuto sur youtube
J'espère que ça t'aidera pour ton petit soucis.